Helping Black Families Get the ID/D Resources they Need

If your family is looking for help with a loved one with an intellectual or developmental disability, we have put together a list of resources for black families living in New Jersey.

The Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund (CICRF) is a financial resource to help New Jersey families, regardless of income, cope with medical expenses for their children that are not fully covered by insurance, state or federal programs, or any other source, such as fundraising. The Fund provides a financial safety net to families struggling with a child’s previously incurred medical expenses. The definition of a catastrophic illness in this program is economic and is measured in terms of the financial impact of health care expenses on the family, rather than on the diagnosis or severity of the illness.

The Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund (CICRF) is a financial resource to help New Jersey families, regardless of income, cope with medical expenses for their children that are not fully covered by insurance, state or federal programs, or any other source, such as fundraising. The Fund provides a financial safety net to families struggling with a child’s previously incurred medical expenses. The definition of a catastrophic illness in this program is economic and is measured in terms of the financial impact of health care expenses on the family, rather than on the diagnosis or severity of the illness.