Helping Black Families Get the ID/D Resources they Need

If your family is looking for help with a loved one with an intellectual or developmental disability, we have put together a list of resources for black families living in New Jersey.

PerformCare New Jersey is the Contracted System Administrator for the Children’s System of Care (CSOC). PerformCare (PC) manages the State of New Jersey’s service delivery system, and was established to provide a single point of entry for youth to obtain existing developmental disability, behavioral health and substance abuse services and supports.

PerformCare New Jersey is the Contracted System Administrator for the Children’s System of Care (CSOC). PerformCare (PC) manages the State of New Jersey’s service delivery system, and was established to provide a single point of entry for youth to obtain existing developmental disability, behavioral health and substance abuse services and supports.

300 Horizon Drive, Suite 306, Robbinsville, NJ 08691