Helping Black Families Get the ID/D Resources they Need

If your family is looking for help with a loved one with an intellectual or developmental disability, we have put together a list of resources for black families living in New Jersey.

We are committed to children and families with the greatest need due to disability or special health/mental health needs; poverty; discrimination based on race/ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, language, immigrant or homeless status; involvement in the child welfare or juvenile justice systems; geographic location; or other special circumstances. SPAN’s individual assistance, workshops, and resources are available in languages other than English.

We are committed to children and families with the greatest need due to disability or special health/mental health needs; poverty; discrimination based on race/ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, language, immigrant or homeless status; involvement in the child welfare or juvenile justice systems; geographic location; or other special circumstances. SPAN’s individual assistance, workshops, and resources are available in languages other than English.

570 Broad Street, Suite 702, Newark, NJ 07102