Helping Black Families Get the ID/D Resources they Need

If your family is looking for help with a loved one with an intellectual or developmental disability, we have put together a list of resources for black families living in New Jersey.

County based organization that provides direct support and in-home services, covered by Medicaid, with presumptive eligibility ensuring access regardless of income or immigration status. Prior athourization through PerformCare and CSOC is required.
Countywide - 16 offices serving all 21 counties
The Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) funds a variety of services and supports for eligible individuals 21 and older with developmental disabilities in New Jersey.
Department of Human Services, 222 South Warren Street, Trenton, NJ Main office; there are 9 Community Service Officers serving all 21 NJ counties
The Boggs Center, as a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, values uniqueness and individuality and promotes the self-determination and full participation of people with disabilities and their families in all aspects of community life. As a catalyst and resource, The Boggs Center, through partnerships and collaborations, builds capacity in organizations, systems, and communities in a culturally competent manner. The Boggs Center prepares students through interdisciplinary programs, provides community training and technical assistance, conducts research, and disseminates information and educational materials.
Family Support Organizations (FSO’s) are family-run, county-based organizations that provide direct familyto-family education, advocacy, and other services to family members of children with emotional, behavioral, or mental health needs or have intellectual/developmental disabilities. A grassroots network that helps families share experiences and access both local and global resources.
The Medicaid Community Care Program (CCP) provides specialized services to support DDD eligible individuals with developmental disabilities in the least restrictive setting. This person-driven, long-term support system offers choice and access to services which aid in diverting and/or transitioning individuals from institutional settings to community living arrangements.
PerformCare may authorize mobile response stabilization services to provide youth and their caregivers with short-term, flexible service coordination to support youth who are vulnerable to or experiencing stressors, coping challenges, emotional or behavioral symptoms. Interventions are designed to support the youth to remain in, or return to, his/her present living arrangement, to function within peer relationships, in school and community settings, and to maintain the least restrictive treatment setting.
Intervention and services for children under age 3 who have developmental delays and disabilies.
Trenton, NJ
The NJCDD is federally authorized through the Developmental Disabilities Act as a self-governing organization charged with identifying the most pressing needs of people with developmental disabilities and their families in New Jersey and by advancing public policy and systems change activities.
The Department of Children and Families, Office of Education (OOE) provides intensive 12-month educational services and supports to children and young adults ages 3 through 21. In some cases, the severity or uniqueness of individual needs requires removal from the public school setting for a period of time. A successful return to school and participation in community life are goals for all OOE students.
The focus of the Department of Children and Families (DCF) is on strengthening families and achieving safety, well-being and permanency for all New Jersey’s children.